InsireYouth Storytelling Program

The InspireYouth Storytelling Program is designed to empower and inspire underprivileged youth in our communities through the power of storytelling and mentorship.

Our program focuses on middle school and high school youth, understanding that individuals in this age group require additional experience and guidance to effectively plan their futures. We emphasize supporting and guiding young individuals on their unique life journeys, equipping them with the tools and confidence needed to achieve personal and professional success.

Fostering career development in adolescents involves cultivating their career aspirations by exposing them to various careers and life perspectives. This exposure helps adolescents continue building their career development, allowing them to explore different paths, understand the skills required for various professions, and make informed decisions about their future. By engaging with diverse experiences and mentors, young people can better align their interests and strengths with potential career opportunities.

Session Plan

In each session, EFA invites speakers from diverse careers to share their personal stories and experiences related to their career and life. These speakers openly answer any questions the youth may have about career and life perspectives, ensuring that they receive the information they need. Additionally, the speakers will be available as part of our EFA community, providing an ongoing resource for the youth to reach out to when they wish to explore these careers further.

  • Experienced adults who have successfully found their true selves in the world provide guidance and support, sharing their personal stories and life lessons to inspire the youth in the community to pursue their dreams

  • Youth participants engage in interactive workshops emphasizing self-reflection and learning through the speakers' life stories. They are provided with a self-reflection assessment both before and after the session to encourage personal growth and deepen their understanding of the lessons shared.

  • The program aims to raise awareness about various educational and career opportunities, encouraging participants to explore their potential and pursue their dreams.

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